MILGRAM -ミルグラム- - MILGRAM Kotoko - Deep Cover (The Second Trial Music Video) (uIjIiKz5SIs - 1536x864 - 1m54s)
Welcome to the MILGRAM Wiki!

MILGRAM Wiki is a collaborative community website about MILGRAM Project. The main goal of this wiki is to provide English resource for international MILGRAM fans.
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2,774 pages
189 articles
2,334 files
5 editor(s)
First Trial End Art
What is MILGRAM?!

MILGRAM, established April 2020, is an ongoing interactive music project by DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka.

The premise is that there are 10 prisoners residing in the Milgram Prison; they have all committed "murder". Over time, their mental images will be projected into a music video, containing hints and clues hidden in it. With these videos in mind, it is up to you to find out the truth behind their actions and deem whether they should be forgiven (innocent) or not (guilty).

In Milgram, there's a three trial system. Each prisoner will have 3 different MVs. For each video, you will be able to vote on their verdict (for the specific prisoner). Dependant on their previous verdict, their trial will change it's direction. Keep this in mind when you vote!

You can judge the prisoners on Official Website, the prisoners' trials will be updated on the Official YouTube Channel, and further relevant content (e.g., interrogation questions, news, etc.) can be found on the Offical Twitter Account. For more convenience, you can also use the Milgram Portal App, which contains features and news that the official website has (however, it may not be available depending on your location).

Latest Music Video


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